WIAEMS optimizes the energy efficiency
WIAEMS served optimising of energy efficiency for Production facilities imply complex processes relying on accurate control of variables as timing, temperature, mixing, and measurement. They are extremely sensitive to power quality disturbances such as voltage sags, fluctuation of the power factor etc.
The implementation of an WIA EMS energy management system helps to achieve a maximal coordination of all energy-relevant cost-benefit factors.
The WIA EMS is a 24/7 permanently running system. It provides a general survey of all information and control capabilities, which are necessary to enable management and accounting, engineering and maintenance staffs to make best decisions and to take proactive control of energy consumption throughout the entire enterprise.
The combined range of the WIA EMS software, intelligent meters and engineering services provide seamless integration of all necessary power system components.

WIAEMS basic functions
- Optimising energy purchase (contract managing).
- Safeguarding power quality to avoid downtime and damages
- Online data registration of all actual load data from the distribution network
- Peak shaving – identifying of energy-intensive activities and rescheduling to off-peak hours
- Monitoring and allocating expenses of all utility feeds, overall power distribution and equipment status such as temperatures and current overloads
- Permanent information of the operator about the actual situation, specifying suggestions for reaction (switching off/on of specific consumption units or direct controlling of consumption units, which could be switched off)
- Root cause analyses and early failure detection to prevent from future faults
- Maximizing information sharing
- Minimizing installation costs by using existing communication networks
Payback Period
The extensive cost reductions effected by the WIA EMS make the payback period remarkably short – usually less than one year!